Download Teleprompter

Free Trial

Download a 14 day free trial of Teleprompter on the Mac App Store. Once the trial period expires, you can buy Teleprompter for $39.99.

Purchase on the Mac App Store

You can purchase Teleprompter for a one-time fee of $39.99 on the Mac App Store. First download Teleprompter for free, then choose “Purchase Teleprompter.”

Enterprise and non-App Store Customers

Purchase Teleprompter licenses without the Mac App Store here.

This version is compatible with the Teleprompter Controller and Teleprompter for iPad apps, and receives automatic updates.

Beta Testing

Teleprompter undergoes extensive testing before each release. Professionals extensively evaluate Teleprompter and suggest changes to functionality before each release. To join the beta test program, follow this link to the HockeyApp testing service.